
The Coast Salish Gathering Resources pages contain documents, policy-related materials, photos and videos from past Coast Salish Gatherings, and helpful links to a number of policy and environmental websites related to Western Washington Tribes and British Columbia First Nations.

The Resources pages are intended to serve as an online resource for Coast Salish Peoples and to help interested citizens to learn about the Coast Salish common goal to protect the environment and the natural resources of the Salish Sea ecoregion.


Together for the Salish Sea

Timothy Corey has been a friend and colleague to the Coast Salish Gathering for almost 8 years. His traditional knowledge of our work is instilled in his mind, heart and soul, and we are honored to call him part of the Coast Salish Family. In this video you will see his unique way of capturing our Gatherings story of protecting the salmon to impacts on aboriginal and treaty rights, and to the very essence of working "Together for the Salish Sea."

Coast Salish Gathering Summary 2005-2012

Links & downloads

Government Agencies


Salish Sea: A Handbook for Educators (out of print)

Environmental, Economic and Natural Resources Reports